OUR UTOPIA - Our Journals #1

Damola Olagunju


Music doesn’t just sing to the ears

It dances with the soul

We connect with the type of music we listen to in some way

We find ways to imagine and relate with the songs we love

Everyone fancies a type of music

It could be the sounds your feet makes as it fights the ground that makes you want to dance

Or the annoying sounds flies make when buzzing around you

It could be the soothing sounds of the wind as they ignore but disturb the trees.

Music doesn’t have to have lyrics to amuse you

I don’t think there is a thing as a meaningless song

A song could be chanting gibberish for all I care

As long as it gets my soul grooving

It is Music.

Love isn’t easy
We all know that but do you believe that?
Love takes commitment
Like seriously a lot of it.
Love is cliché but not all clichés are silly
For example the interesting cliché of college dropouts being incredibly rich wealthy like Steve jobs and Bill gates.
There is nothing new about love
But that is what makes it exciting
You know what you want in love but the journey to achieving it makes it fascinating.
The way you learn to grow with someone possibly completely different and at the same time exactly like you is amazing.
People say love is an illusion but that could just be one of its many synonyms.
 It could be a perfect illusion but the thing about illusions is when you find out how they tricked you, you are amazed.
Sure people break your heart but you should be thanking them cause that means you are a step closer to the real love of your life
I love love whatever you may call it as long as it makes you happy.

Time travel

Let us discuss,

If you could have a superpower what would it be?

When I was asked some time ago I said invisibility

Then I imagined a scenario of me trying to save the world - invisible but all my weapons were visible, now that takes all the surprise out of it.

Then I thought, ok teleportation, and another scenario came to my head and it was really working for me. Like, I saw myself playing with the villains by confusing them and messing with their weapons and it was fun

But being the greedy person that I am it wasn’t enough so I thought speed. I saw myself running really fast and causing mayhem without anyone noticing and I really liked it, I also imagined myself doing a really quick workout with my  makeup on

But it still wasn’t enough, so I thought; time travel, then I realized I really hated the idea of time travel because it basically had no use. All events lead to each other and I just might need that bad moment for something amazing, so that was definitely ruled out.

So I started searching all the drawers in my brain for what power might suit me; loud, playful and curious me. Then, I came to a conclusion that no power suited me and I would like to have all possible powers. Then I realized that I had an amazing power that could do just that and that is my IMAGINATION.


Beauty is not just the average cliché

It is more than that

It has nothing to do with how fat or slim you are

It has nothing to do with how short or tall you are

It is the way you match your wonderful heart with your beautiful face

We all see it,

I am talking about the dark cloud that covers the beauty of people with bad personalities.


If we knew the future

We wouldn’t need hope

Faith would be irrelevant

If we knew his plans

He wouldn’t be God

Life would be boring

All answers can never be answered

You can tell me how the tree grew but you can’t tell me why it chose to grow.

Mystery makes life exciting.


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