Alessia Cara - A Reminiscence

Alessia Caraciollo,  known by Alessia Cara, the name we've all come to love her by is turning twenty one today and the pop star from Missisauga has gone a long way from you tube videos to releasing her first album. The down-to-earth, and relatable now legal adult, with the loved voice impersonations, released her album Know-it-all two years ago and has gotten a massive amount of  feedback on it. Her album touched deeply on the teen experience and took emotions, personal experiences, things that we'd all dealt with at some point or another and turned it into this playlist of songs you had to listen to on repeat, because of how much you felt it. Not to mention her beautiful voice, for those of us who are obsessed!
Since then, it's  been uphill for her.We realize it's been quite a journey for the twenty one year old and would like to commemorate her day with something to inspire teens, inspired by her mission to spread a message through her music.
So, we talked to a few teenagers about what it meant to them that Alessia was who she was and  why they connect with her the way they do.

Here's what some of her fans said for why they loved her;

Selena says' Well, I love Alessia because she's so talented and so unique. What's fascinating about her is her way of being and her beautiful voice. I love her music because it's relatable and super touching'.
She talked about how, she didn't have a favorite song by Alessia, but really loved Four Pink Walls.

When asked about how she connected with Alessia, she said;

' I actually, really do connect with her, it's such an amazing connection. Well, she's 21 now but when she was a teen I still connected to her either way and I always have and always will! She's very different from other artists, she's the definition of 'humble'

Pablo talked about the first time she met Alessia.

"I started following her almost two years ago. It was when she first performed on the Tonight  Show. Jimmy just kept telling the audience to stay until the end. When she performed, I was completely blown away. It wasn't just her voice, but also her personality. During the end credits you could see her waving at the camera, doing all these hand motions. I even asked myself, 'who is this girl?'
I looked her up online and found put she was the same age as me, after watching a couple of interviews on YouTube I thought she was the coolest person ever."

Alessia's music has touched teenagers, from

'Here' - The one song that completely blew up. Talking about her inspiration gotten from a party she attended where she felt completely out of place and just really wanted to go home. It was a song about a situation a lot of teens could relate to.

'Scars to your beautiful' talking about the effect of the media and how it's easy to not look past the physical when it comes to beauty.

Her song with German record producer and DJ Zedd, 'Stay', has been used as soundtrack for Amandla Steinberg's 'Everything, everything' and numerous commercials, so it's safe to say like all her song, its one that's gotten out there, gotten to people.

Alessia's been an inspiration to many teens and keeps letting them know through her music that it's okay to be you, to try even if you're scared to fail. Like she says here;

"I think that my music is really empowering. I just want people to know - especially young people, but really everyone - that you don't have to be so caught up in what everyone else is thinking. You don't have to be the coolest, most popular person. You can just be you and be vulnerable"

Thanks Alessia!


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