10 Things I Wish I Had Known At Sixteen - Series (Part 1)

10 Things I Wish I Had Know At Sixteen 1. Don't take life too seriously. Breathe, relax. You won't ever be this young again, so make it count because the next three years after this become serious, you'll get older and have more responsibilities. You're not old yet, and even if you try, you'll never really have your future all figured out, not even at twenty - trust me. So cherish every moment you have now. They're more important than you realize. 2. Take care of yourself. Don't be reckless. This isn't the time to experiment with pot, or weed just because your friends are. You can save money for other things, instead of possibly becoming a weed addict. And please don't drunk drive! Not even a little bit, not even for a spin. Drunk driving is the number 1 cause of teen death in the U.S. You have a wonderful life ahead of you and you can be so much more than a statistic, don't waste your life for one night of fun t...